Saturday, September 4, 2021

Stop Exploiting me for Terrorism


I wrote over 20 articles that talk about a racketeering organization that keeps harassing me everywhere I go. They don't care about the negative publicity they are they will go into major corporations to harass me including The US Navy, Exxon Mobil, Accenture, BHP Billiton, and the Texas Children's Hospital. and they will try to monopolize my attention on the Internet. The racketeering organization is actively trying to monopolize my attention so that they can promote terrorism. They follow me around wherever I work and they try to harass me while I'm at work they have dragged me multiple times and tried to break into my home I talked to my apartment complex owner and they haven't done anything about it instead they seem to be trying to find more ways to exploit me.

They try to keep me from making money. They actually work with major corporations to stop me from making money on the stock market as well so I need support especially important when it comes to investigating these claims and verifying that these are true. You also get a lot of support from major news organizations because they cover me with timely subliminal references regularly. I need actual money to you live my life and be free of this harassment. During my last job, they attempted to give me a lowball estimate of how much money it $18 an hour which was excessively low for my experience. Multiple employees at my job said that I shouldn't be working here because I'm overqualified. Racketeering organization was attempting to deny me any money because it makes controlling me easier. It makes it harder for me to report their attacks.

They keep organizing character assassination attacks which include this one. They crossed so many lines and violated my constitutional and human rights had forced me to report their crimes. I was entrapped in so much legal drama and I thought it was ok because I kept getting subliminal messages from major news organizations and political leaders including the president. It's really hard to explain it because it deals with espionage, terrorism, and high crimes. They keep exploiting me by making movies about me and organizing terrorism. They keep trying to find ways to exploit me and they've been doing this since I was born.

So in order to stop this harassment need people to honestly share my story because people have been exploiting me and sharing their interpretation of my story online and marking everything I do but if you actually shared my personal story then you can do it go a long way to stop those people from mocking me and then blacklisting all of my social media including my Twitter, Blogger and my Reddit about companies that have tried to exploit me which is every single company that I have worked for. So if people shared my story and this became common knowledge then I know that there will be extreme legal and political complications that result but it would make things better for society because they would know the truth. Criminals and terrorists trying to exploit me and would not be able to escape the truth and hurt someone else.

You can also give me money and I really need money to pay off debt. But what I really need is eyewitness reports and protection from people coming into my room drugging me and moving things around. Then afterward trying to drag me and then put me in embarrassing situations afterward for character assassination attacks. The problem is that every single person they have met in the past few years has been trying to perform some type of character assassination attack. They seem to think of me more as a weapon and less as an individual human being.

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