Sunday, August 1, 2021

Harassment at BHP Billiton and Avanade


They were conducting espionage exercises while I was working with them. This includes reading my brain. They kept using subliminal messages and Ominous threats to control and manipulate me. It was unbearable to you work with BHP and Accenture and I had to quit. I had family members who were working there, and I think they were connected to the death of my family members, including the death of my uncle and my aunt in law

They were using high espionage grade technology. This technology including, they were using technology that allowed them to read people's brains. I think this is true because now we have Video games and movies that talk about this technology including Scarlett Nexus. This technology that allowed the corporation to read people’s brains was highly advanced. This technology was used without my consent. Many employees were knowing the perpetrators of the crime. I believe that CNN also normalized is yelling at me on the news. To harass me. It was unbearable to watch CNN live because they kept on yelling at me and putting harassing topics in front of me. And attempting to put me on some form of a show trial. It was excessively hard to report them because they had so many people who are well prepared to deal with this type of espionage and they were well trained at performing this type of espionage.

I am writing this because I'm receiving very many threats from everyday harassers who used things like left in my location to attack me while I'm doing basic attacks at work. The African To making religious attacks against. Me. They make religious attacks against me while I am investing in the stock market or based on what I do on my YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or computer. They try to enforce these attacks. Through various methods, including. Subliminal messages harassment vandalism. Breaking crime in other forms. Direct earring. I frequently do not have enough time to deal with the attacks that I received and. I believe that some of these attacks have been had originative from BP built-in. An adventure.

I believe that they have contacts in the government and in the military. It's hard to report these people. Because. People can still choose to do the wrong thing. And it's hard to. Captain, because it could result in different forms of usually yesterday instruction. Reporting this because this has been very bad to my reputation, I had to quit because of all the attacks that were happening against me. And they were. Will digitally and politically motivated.

These attacks included starting terrorist attacks based on things that I would search for. Whether I watched YouTube, Porn or looked at the profile of a porn star Skin diamond for instance. The Pulse nightclub shooting happened almost immediately afterward. These attacks were used as a way to assassinate my character. They are framed to be part of a terrorist plot. They were also done to influence the election.

Since the 2016 election, I thought that these. Terrorist attacks will go away, and they will be resolved in a matter of years, but since then the number of terrorists has increased. These terrorist attacks include the Covid 19 Virus. The attention on me has increased. Four my family member has died in an ominous and highly coincidental manner as a result of these attacks.

People try to become my perceived acquaintances on Instagram and. Twitter. And, on live-streaming apps. When I would turn on a light singing, people would instantly equate them. South with me. And stop talking about things that. I was thinking about it. But it also seemed like everyone was watching me while I was doing this in the were making movies about. This experience that I had with the person. You also trying to enforce their religion. Ideals army through terrorism. I was not giving any type of contract to do any of these types of things. I gave no permission to anyone to do these other things to me.

In my recent jobs, I have been. A target of harassment from many coworkers and customers. I have received harassment from Lyft and Uber. Many racketeering organizations have brought new weapons against me. They have broken into my apartment and moved value items in an attempt to harass me. They have been continuously making comments about every aspect of my relationships or my precede relationship with people that I look at online. They have been making judgments about things that I watch online as well.

 I have got instant retaliation for just about anything that I have done online. This includes getting customers in Lyft and Uber who were specifically chosen to harass me. They have harassed me using drugs and directed energy weapons, break-ins, robbery, and vandalism. They have sabotaged my bank account in my property values. They have even sabotaged companies that I have tried to invest in Just to keep me from making more than the amount of money that they wanted me to have.

This organization has entrapped me in very confusing legal complications. These legal complications have made it hard to have any real friends or family. The media has also been reporting on this using perverted Illogical artwork. The way the media reports this is very perverted and normalize invading every aspect of my privacy for profit. I feel like only an object, a weapon, or a prostitute. The media attacks can include movies music and news articles. Foreign state governments and terrorist dictators have also actively created reports based on actions. The confusing legal entrapment has forced me to report this on my Twitter page even though I’m blacklisted. Since this happened. Anytime I get free time, I'm finding myself having to report and get my message out to someone in a formal manner. Meanwhile, people are trying to enforce their religious and political values on me. And they're trying to use attacks against me to win elections and for-profit motives, which included Gaining publicity for Terrorist attacks and military weapons use.


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