Deport them all. The silly notion that we are dependent upon a bunch of uneducated illegals is laughable.
mich AirFrank • 4 hours ago Correct! The only people these illegals help are the rich bastards who want cheap labor, while destroying jobs for Americans. Bill gates, Zuckerberg, jeff bezos, etc... made their money off the backs of hard wiling Americans, but now they don't want to pay American wages so they can keep an extra 10 billion each! And don't give me that bs that Americans don't want those jobs, they don't want those jobs at Mexican or Indian wages! Why don't senators work for 80 to 150 per day? Or these billionaires? Well that's what they did to the contracting field, the it field, the resaurant workers, etc. And you wonder why there is mass unemployment? 20% is the real #. Because of ILLEGALS and rich bastards and politicians! Jail the business owner who highers illegals or who attempts to bring foreign workers from India before highering Americans!
Miles Bennell mich • 3 hours ago Adios Senores & Senoritas -- don't let the busted screen door hit you on the way out. And take up the trash you left in the front yard across the border with you.
Phlyers Miles Bennell • 2 hours ago And we don't have to split up families, take the whole family back with you... no problem.
Ratburt the Victorious Phlyers • 2 hours ago ICE will have easy pickings May 1'st.
Get the ones wearing bandanas over their faces first.-
Rhett Ratburt the Victorious • 2 hours ago HA..
ICE agent to employer - "who didn't show up yesterday?"
Employer - "Jose' and Juanita"
ICE agent...into radio..."got two over here"There's a four year old in New Orleans who wishes Obama and Mayor Landrieu were in jail now that one of their dreamers hiding out in a lawless city killed his Mom.
aka Randy Yonkers Rhett • 4 minutes ago Two things all of these idiots have in common:
1) Hate White America
2) Addicted to Playing the Victim
Susan Ratburt the Victorious • an hour ago Move them out of here....these trespassers aren't even happy here as they are always protesting something along with their DACA kids...
B&B Susan • an hour ago Ya, if it's not the "Race" card it's the "Kid" card. Either way, I'm tired of playing those cards, but I'm all for "Go Fish!" LOL!
Kelly Anderson Susan • 44 minutes ago i can't handle how stupid these people are. it is just plain funny, Like the moron the other day who called the cops to help him find his missing heroin, illegal immigrants taking off of work is just their way of telling us come get them. Ice should answer their call.
czynik Ratburt the Victorious • 13 minutes ago Absolutely !!! Grab anyone concealing their identity.
angeleno Ratburt the Victorious • 15 minutes ago Also arrest Bob Iger for hiring illegals. He's the CEO of Disney who's mixed in smut with Walt Disney's great American company, and hires boatloads of cheap workers from overseas to replace Americans who have to train their replacements before they walk out the door.
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